David M. Forsyth, Deborah J. Wilson, Tomás A. Easdale, Georges Kuntsler, Charles D. Canham, Wendy A. Ruscoe, Elaine F. Wright, Lora Murphy, Andrew M. Gormley, Aurora Gaxiola, and David A. Coomes. 2015. Century-scale effects of invasive deer and rodents on the dynamics of forests growing on soils of contrasting fertility. Ecological Monographs 85:156–179. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/14-0389.1


Appendix A: Properties of the alluvial and marine terrace forests at Waitutu Forest, New Zealand.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A1.

Appendix B: SORTIE/NZ alluvial terrace forest model structure and parameterization.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A2.

Appendix C: Typical ground-level appearance of the two forests we studied at Waitutu Forest, New Zealand.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A3.

Appendix D: Invasive mammalian herbivores included in our study.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A4.

Appendix E: Modeled probability of mast seeding in Dacrydium cupressinum and Nothofagus spp.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A5.

Appendix F: Table summarizing the characteristics of fruits and seeds of species modeled in SORTIE/NZ.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A6.

Appendix G: Chemical characteristics of the alluvial and marine terrace soils used to pot seedlings collected from the study area for growing in glasshouse conditions before planting into deer exclosures.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A7.

Appendix H: Tables and figures describing the results of our field study investigating rodent predation on seeds of five tree species as a function of the relative basal area of trees in alluvial and marine terrace forests.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A8.

Appendix I: Tables and figures summarizing the results of our field study investigating the effects of the presence and absence of deer on seedling growth and mortality rates in alluvial and marine terrace forests.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A9.

Appendix J: Schefflera digitata seedlings planted in the alluvial terrace forest.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A10.

Appendix K: Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in total adult basal area, total sapling density, and total seedling density in four herbivory scenarios for the alluvial and marine terrace forests.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A11.

Appendix L: Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in total adult basal area, total sapling density, and total seedling density of conifers and angiosperms in four herbivory scenarios for the alluvial and marine terrace forests.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A12.

Appendix M: Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in adult basal area, sapling density, and seedling density for each of the 15 species in the four alluvial terrace forest herbivory scenarios.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A13.

Appendix N: Figures showing predicted 500-year trends in adult basal area, sapling density, and seedling density for each of the seven species in the four marine terrace forest herbivory scenarios.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A14.

Appendix O: Evaluation of model predictions.
Ecological Archives M085-008-A15.


Supplement 1: SORTIE/NZ alluvial and marine terrace forest model parameter files used in our simulations.
Ecological Archives M085-008-S1.
