Ecological Archives M085-008-A10

David M. Forsyth, Deborah J. Wilson, Tomás A. Easdale, Georges Kuntsler, Charles D. Canham, Wendy A. Ruscoe, Elaine F. Wright, Lora Murphy, Andrew M. Gormley, Aurora Gaxiola, and David A. Coomes. 2015. Century-scale effects of invasive deer and rodents on the dynamics of forests growing on soils of contrasting fertility. Ecological Monographs 85:156–179.

Appendix J. Schefflera digitata seedlings planted in the alluvial terrace forest.


Fig. J1. Schefflera digitata seedlings planted in the alluvial terrace forest, Waitutu Forest, New Zealand. (A) Protected from red deer within an exclosure (note large green leaves and 2-m fence in background). (B) Twelve months after being exposed to red deer: the tall bare stems are dead S. digitata seedlings. Photo credits: David M. Forsyth.

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