Adam M. Siepielski and Craig W. Benkman. 2007. Convergent patterns in the selection mosaic for two North American bird-dispersed pines. Ecological Monographs 77:203–220.


Appendix A: Information on the type of conifer, site name, whether or not pine squirrels are present or absent, elevation and location of study sites, and the type of data collected.
Ecological Archives M077-007-A1.

Appendix B: Spearman's pairwise correlations between various limber pine cone and seed traits in regions with and without pine squirrels.
Ecological Archives M077-007-A2.

Appendix C: Spearman's pairwise correlations between various whitebark pine cone and seed traits in regions with and without pine squirrels.
Ecological Archives M077-007-A3.

Appendix D: Mean limber pine cone measurements for sites without and with pine squirrels and ANOVAs comparing differences in cone measurements between areas without and with pine squirrels and several comparisons among sites within regions with and without pine squirrels.
Ecological Archives M077-007-A4.

Appendix E: Mean whitebark pine cone measurements for sites without and with pine squirrels and ANOVAs comparing differences in cone measurements between areas without and with pine squirrels and several comparisons among sites within regions with and without pine squirrels.
Ecological Archives M077-007-A5.

Appendix F: Principal component loadings and Spearman's rank correlations between principal component scores and individual cone and seed traits for limber pine and whitebark pine.
Ecological Archives M077-007-A6.


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