Ecological Archives M077-007-A5

Adam M. Siepielski and Craig W. Benkman. 2007. Convergent patterns in the selection mosaic for two North American bird-dispersed pines. Ecological Monographs 77:203–220.

Appendix E. Mean whitebark pine cone measurements for sites without and with pine squirrels and ANOVA's comparing differences in cone measurements between areas without and with pine squirrels and several comparisons among sites within regions with and without pine squirrels.

Sites without pine squirrels
Sites with pine squirrels
Between regions with pine squirrels
Between regions without pine squirrels
Among sites within areas with and without pine squirrels
Between areas with and withoutpine squirrels
Great Basin
Great Plains
Sierra Nevada
Rocky Mountains
% of total
% of total
% of total
% of total
Cone length (mm) 62.45 61.17 67.37 59.36 62.75 59.94 58.82 60.74 60.81 61.86 62.09 65.75 1.44 0.230 0.6 4.89 0.028 7.2 4.31 <0.0001 9.9 0.04 0.837 0.0
Cone width (mm) 41.88 40.48 41.93 38.42 41.66 38.23 45.45 43.17 44.19 49.25 47.50 49.65 32.67 <0.0001 28.4 8.84 0.003 13.6 7.68 <0.0001 10.5 22.02 0.0009 42.3
Cone width /length 0.68 0.67 0.62 0.65 0.68 0.65 0.78 0.71 0.73 0.80 0.77 0.77 16.79 <0.0001 16.5 0.15 0.698 0.0 2.98 0.001 3.7 43.58 <0.0001 39.8
Cone mass (gm) 20.50 18.70 20.13 19.07 19.72 19.11 23.30 24.27 23.70 20.59 20.61 22.13 13.83 0.0003 13.8 0.52 0.471 0.0 3.26 0.0005 5.5 16.77 0.002 21.0
Number of scales 10.68 11.23 11.83 10.62 11.52 9.30 7.02 7.77 8.02 8.60 8.53 8.82 3.13 0.079 2.6 48.46 <0.0001 48.7 12.92 <0.0001 10.2 35.88 0.0001 64.2
Distal scale thickness (mm) 3.37 3.48 3.44 3.16 3.19 3.68 5.25 5.14 4.87 4.64 4.68 5.12 0.67 0.413 0.0 6.49 0.012 9.9 3.76 <0.0001 2.3 142.29 <0.0001 73.0
Proximal scale thickness (mm) 4.35 4.52 4.57 4.44 4.40 4.92 5.73 5.83 5.53 5.83 5.80 6.31 3.62 0.059 3.2 12.05 0.0006 18.1 3.17 0.0007 2.7 94.09 <0.0001 60.4
Peduncle diameter (mm) 6.36 6.31 6.49 6.47 6.32 6.62 6.88 7.48 6.85 6.98 6.99 7.32 0.61 0.436 0.0 1.60 0.207 1.2 1.32 0.218 0.9 31.74 0.0002 18.2
Distance to seed (mm) 8.64 8.61 8.29 8.36 8.49 8.73 8.95 8.57 8.76 9.72 8.99 10.16 15.54 0.0001 15.4 1.68 0.197 1.3 5.02 <0.0001 10.4 6.64 0.028 12.2
Total number of seeds 76.63 78.37 88.23 80.93 78.65 77.73 39.58 47.90 52.05 61.37 59.47 61.67 4.50 0.035 4.2 0.65 0.420 0.0 5.56 <0.0001 6.2 43.56 <0.0001 53.3
Number of full seeds 71.77 73.50 83.22 76.05 74.43 70.43 35.15 42.88 47.58 55.02 54.22 55.87 3.64 0.058 3.2 2.38 0.124 2.7 5.27 <0.0001 5.7 47.53 <0.0001 54.4
Number of empty seeds 4.87 4.87 5.02 4.88 4.22 7.30 4.43 5.02 4.47 6.35 5.25 5.80 6.89 0.009 6.9 53.43 <0.0001 51.2 9.07 <0.0001 21.2 0.00 0.960 0.0
Seed mass (mg) 162.82 164.86 163.07 173.38 161.42 181.10 186.99 178.98 179.32 184.20 173.46 176.00 0.08 0.776 0.0 18.41 0.0001 25.8 3.05 0.001 5.6 10.10 0.009 12.6
Kernel mass (mg) 109.42 109.21 110.62 115.23 108.27 115.67 113.32 108.50 107.04 110.34 102.23 111.77 0.41 0.521 0.0 3.41 0.067 4.6 1.78 0.062 2.5 1.49 0.251 0.5
Seed coat mass (mg) 53.40 55.65 52.45 58.16 53.15 65.43 73.67 70.48 72.27 73.87 71.23 64.23 0.13 0.722 0.0 29.42 <0.0001 36.2 5.21 <0.0001 6.6 34.78 0.0002 46.2
Seed coat thickness (mm) 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.18 0.19 0.22 0.36 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.34 7.56 0.007 7.6 8.18 0.005 12.6 4.66 <0.0001 2.8 125.25 <0.0001 74.2
Total seed mass/ cone mass 0.58 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.62 0.68 0.29 0.32 0.37 0.51 0.47 0.44 11.52 0.0008 11.4 1.30 0.256 0.6 8.00 <0.0001 7.8 40.89 <0.0001 59.0
Mean variation explained (%)                             6.3     15.1     6.9     33.3

† Calculation did not include composite variables.

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