Gretel L. Clarke and Alison K. Brody. 2015. Gender inequality in predispersal seed predation contributes to female seed set advantage in a gynodioecious species. Ecology 96:1309–1317.


Appendix A: ANOVAs for 2009/2010 observational data, including seed production and its components.
Ecological Archives E096-117-A1.

Appendix B: ANCOVAs for 2009/2010 comparing the importance of fitness components to seed set between the sex morphs.
Ecological Archives E096-117-A2.

Appendix C: Summary statistics for 2011 hand pollination and egg removal experiment.
Ecological Archives E096-117-A3.

Appendix D: Control stalk ANOVAs and ANCOVA for 2011 hand pollination and egg removal experiment.
Ecological Archives E096-117-A4.

Appendix E: Response ratio ANOVAs and ANCOVA for 2011 hand pollination and egg removal experiment.
Ecological Archives E096-117-A5.
