Ecological Archives E096-117-A1
Gretel L. Clarke and Alison K. Brody. 2015. Gender inequality in predispersal seed predation contributes to female seed set advantage in a gynodioecious species. Ecology 96:1309–1317.
Appendix A. ANOVAs for 2009/2010 observational data, including seed production and its components.
Table A1. ANOVAs for 2009/2010 observational data, including seed production and its components. To address whether genders differed in seed production or any of its components, we ran separate ANOVAs using observational data taken in 2009 and 2010 from 27 and 6 populations, respectively. Site was treated as a random, blocking, factor and gender as the main effect with various fitness components (total flowers per plant, fruit set, seeds/fruit and the proportion of fruits destroyed) and total plant seed set as response variables. The interaction between site and gender was included, but found to be insignificant and thus dropped from further analysis. Significant values (p < 0.05) are in bold.
2009 |
Source |
df |
total flowers |
fruit set |
seeds / fruit |
proportion |
total |
gender |
1 |
0.765 (0.383) |
0.984 (0.322) |
0.476 (0.491) |
33.529 (<0.001) |
5.682 (0.018) |
site |
25 |
3.565 (<0.001) |
3.444 (<0.001) |
2.690 (<0.001) |
8.154 (<0.001) |
5.422 (<0.001) |
residual |
188 |
2010 |
Source |
df |
total flowers per plant |
fruit set |
seeds / fruit |
proportion destroyed |
total |
gender |
1 |
0.346 (0.557) |
0.469 (0.494) |
1.739 (0.189) |
21.337 (<0.001) |
4.492 (0.035) |
site |
5 |
3.862 (0.002) |
11.688(<0.001) |
15.215 (<0.001) |
47.113 (<0.001) |
23.121 (<0.001) |
residual |
236 |