Appendix A: The raw data used in the analyses and figures: the central Gulf of Alaska, the western Gulf of Alaska, and the eastern Aleutian Islands.
Ecological Archives A017-091-A1.Appendix B: A figure of the sensitivity of the
J/T metric to the haul-out sample.
Ecological Archives A017-091-A2.Appendix C: Background and parameters for the Leslie matrices.
Ecological Archives A017-091-A3.Appendix D: The parameter estimates from the model fits with their AICc's.
Ecological Archives A017-091-A4.Appendix E: A summary of Steller sea lion sightability studies.
Ecological Archives A017-091-A5.
CopyrightSupplement 1: Text files of the Leslie matrices (WT, Y, CP, and HFYS) described in the text and the parameter estimates from model fits in Appendix D.
Ecological Archives A017-091-S1.
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