Jon D. Witman, Robert W. Lamb, and Jarrett E. K. Byrnes. 2015. Towards an integration of scale and complexity in marine ecology. Ecological Monographs 85:475–504.


Appendix A: Details of all 311 experiments in the review.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A1.

Appendix B: Summary values for all metrics analyzed averaged by year block.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A2.

Appendix C: Details of regression analysis.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A3.

Appendix D: Details of quantile regression analysis.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A4.

Appendix E: Results of factorial significance tests between year blocks for all metrics analyzed.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A5.

Appendix F: Pairwise significance tests between year blocks for all metrics analyzed.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A6.

Appendix G: Structural equation modeling (SEM) results.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A7.

Appendix H: Results of factorial significance tests between habitat types and journal of publication for all metrics analyzed.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A8.

Appendix I: Pairwise significance tests between habitat types and journal of publication for all metrics analyzed.
Ecological Archives M085-018-A9.


Supplement 1: R code and input file used for all analyses and figure creation for the manuscript.
Ecological Archives M085-018-S1.
