Audrey Valls, Marta Coll, and Villy Christensen. 2015. Keystone species: toward an operational concept for marine biodiversity conservation. Ecological Monographs 85:29–47.


Text files of the input data for the 101 Ecopath models and R code for Spearman correlation tests.
Ecological Archives M085-002-S1.


File list (downloads)


Audrey Valls
Fisheries Centre
University of British Columbia
2202 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
[email protected]

Marta Coll
UMR 212 Ecosystèmes Marins Exploités
Avenue Jean Monnet
Sète, France
[email protected]

Villy Christensen
Fisheries Centre
University of British Columbia
2202 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
[email protected]

File list

InputData.rar (MD5: 76904b277839a2de9ae118f3e82fbd2b)   101 Text files of the input data for the 101 Ecopath models

Rcode.R (MD5: e34088e54b07e6dda9496041d1d0aa15)   R code for Spearman correlation tests


In the first supplement (InputData.rar), for each Ecopath model, identified with its model number in EcoBase (see Appendix C for the metadata and references of the models), one Text file provides the input data: group number (No); group name (GroupName); trophic level of the group (TrophicLevel); biomass of the group (Biomass); and matrix of the mixed trophic impact, with the impacted groups in columns and the impacting groups in rows, both identified with their group numbers. Non-living groups were removed, and mixed trophic impact values of the groups on themselves were replaced by NA.

The second supplement (Rcode.R) provides the R code used to run the Spearman rank correlation tests.