Implementation in the R software
The likelihood for an ordinary spatial capture-recapture model in the absence of class structure is specified by the R function intlik2 from Royle et al. (2014):
intlik2 <- function(parm,y=y,X=traplocs,delta=.3,ssbuffer=2){ Xl <- min(X[,1]) - ssbuffer Xu <- max(X[,1]) + ssbuffer Yu <- max(X[,2]) + ssbuffer Yl <- min(X[,2]) - ssbuffer xg <- seq(Xl+delta/2,Xu-delta/2,delta) yg <- seq(Yl+delta/2,Yu-delta/2,delta) npix.x <- length(xg) npix.y <- plength(yg) G <- cbind(rep(xg,npix.y),sort(rep(yg,npix.x))) nG <- nrow(G) D <- e2dist(X,G) area<- (delta*delta)*nrow(G) # extract the parameters from the input vector alpha0 <- parm[1] alpha1 <- exp(parm[2]) n0 <- exp(parm[3]) # note parm[3] lives on the real line probcap <- plogis(alpha0)*exp(-alpha1*D*D) Pm <- matrix(NA,nrow=nrow(probcap),ncol=ncol(probcap)) ymat <- rbind(y,rep(0,ncol(y))) ## tack on all-zero history lik.marg <- rep(NA,nrow(ymat)) for(i in 1:nrow(ymat)){ Pm[1:length(Pm)] <- dbinom(rep(ymat[i,],nG), K, probcap[1:length(Pm)], log=TRUE)) lik.cond <- exp(colSums(Pm)) lik.marg[i] <- sum( lik.cond*(1/nG) ) } nv <- c(rep(1,length(lik.marg)-1),n0) ## part1 here is the combinatorial term, ## log(factorial(N)) = lgamma(N+1) part1 <- lgamma(nrow(y)+n0+1) - lgamma(n0+1) part2 <- sum(nv*log(lik.marg)) return( -1*(part1+ part2) ) }
This function uses an encounter probability model that is proportional to the kernel of a Gaussian probability distribution function (“half-normal” in distance sampling),
where is the baseline encounter probability in trap , is the distance between trap and activity center , and . In the optimization of the likelihood we estimate the parameters and for numerical stability.
The function takes an argument, the unknown parameters of the model, and additional arguments including the encounter history matrix , the trap locations traplocs, the spacing of the integration grid (argument delta) and the state-space buffer. The first few lines of the function compute a grid of points used to evaluate the integrand, and the remaining half of the function computes the marginal likelihood contributions for each individual and the “all zero” encounter history. R code for simulating data and optimizing the likelihood using this function is in the scrbook R package from Royle et al. (2014) which can be viewed by looking at the help file ?intlik2.
In the following R script, we provide some functions for simulating data for a 2-class situation (e.g., sex structured models) and a modification of the intlik2 function to fit models with or without sex. The function simSCR0sex simulates sex-structured data along with a given fraction of missing data (argument na.frac). The simulation function also simulates data with a behavioral response. The more general likelihood function is provided in the R package scrbook (Royle et al. 2014) available from the authors.
### This function simulates data with a sex-specific ### intercept and some missing sex values (na.frac), also ### allows for a behavioural response (beta). e2dist<- function (x, y){ i <- sort(rep(1:nrow(y), nrow(x))) dvec <- sqrt((x[, 1] - y[i, 1])^2 + (x[, 2] - y[i, 2])^2) matrix(dvec, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = nrow(y), byrow = F) } simSCR0sex <- function (N = 100, K = 20, alpha0 = c(-2.5, -1.8), sigma = c(0.5,0.75), beta=0, discard0 = TRUE, array3d = FALSE,,theta = .9){ ### beta = behavioral response ### theta = PER SAMPLE probability of obtaining sex info traplocs <- cbind(sort(rep(1:7, 7)), rep(1:7, 7)) Dmat <- e2dist(traplocs, traplocs) ntraps <- nrow(traplocs) plot(traplocs) buffer <- 2 Xl <- min(traplocs[, 1] - buffer) Xu <- max(traplocs[, 1] + buffer) Yl <- min(traplocs[, 2] - buffer) Yu <- max(traplocs[, 2] + buffer) sx <- runif(N, Xl, Xu) sy <- runif(N, Yl, Yu) sex<- rbinom(N,1, if(length(alpha0) != 2){ alpha0<- c(alpha0,alpha0) } S <- cbind(sx, sy) D <- e2dist(S, traplocs) if(length(sigma) != 2){ sigma<- c(sigma, sigma) } alpha1 <- 1/(2 * sigma * sigma) probcap1 <- plogis(alpha0[1])*exp(-alpha1[1] * D * D) probcap2 <- plogis(alpha0[2])*exp(-alpha1[2] * D * D) Y <- matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = ntraps) for(i in 1:nrow(Y)){ if(sex[i]==0) Y[i, ] <- rbinom(ntraps, K, probcap1[i, ]) if(sex[i]==1) Y[i, ] <- rbinom(ntraps, K, probcap2[i, ]) } if(discard0) { ncaps <- apply(Y, 1, sum) Y <- Y[ncaps > 0, ] } dimnames(Y)<- list(1:nrow(Y), paste("trap", 1:ncol(Y), sep="")) if(array3d){ Y <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ntraps, K)) for (i in 1:nrow(Y)) { for (j in 1:ntraps) { prevcap<- 0 Y[i,j,1]<- rbinom(1,1,plogis(alpha0[sex[i]+1] )*exp(-alpha1[sex[i]+1]*D[i,j]*D[i,j]) ) for(k in 2:K){ prevcap<- sum(Y[i,j,1:(k-1)])>0 Y[i,j,k]<- rbinom(1,1,plogis(alpha0[sex[i]+1] + beta*prevcap)*exp(-alpha1[sex[i]+1]*D[i,j]*D[i,j]) ) } } } if (discard0) { Y2d <- apply(Y, c(1, 2), sum) ncaps <- apply(Y2d, 1, sum) Y <- Y[ncaps > 0, , ] } } sex.obs<-sex[ncaps>0]<- 1-(1-theta)^ncaps[ncaps>0]<- rbinom(length(sex.obs),1, sex.obs[!]<- NA list(Y = Y, traplocs = traplocs, xlim = c(Xl, Xu), ylim = c(Yl, Yu), N = N, alpha0 = alpha0, alpha1 = alpha1, sigma = sigma, K = K,sex=sex.obs) } ### Here is a likelihood function patterned off of intlik2 ### from the "scrbook" package. Takes argument "sex" (observed data) ### parm should be 5 in length: ### alpha0[1] alpha0[2], log(alpha1), log(n0), logit( intlik2sex<- function (parm, y = y, delta = 0.3, K, X = traplocs, sex, ssbuffer = 2,,sex.sig=TRUE) { sex<-sex+1 Xl <- min(X[, 1]) - ssbuffer Xu <- max(X[, 1]) + ssbuffer Yu <- max(X[, 2]) + ssbuffer Yl <- min(X[, 2]) - ssbuffer xg <- seq(Xl + delta/2, Xu - delta/2, delta) yg <- seq(Yl + delta/2, Yu - delta/2, delta) npix.x <- length(xg) npix.y <- length(yg) G <- cbind(rep(xg, npix.y), sort(rep(yg, npix.x))) nG <- nrow(G) D <- e2dist(X, G) area<- (delta*delta)*nrow(G) if(!sex.sig &{ alpha0<- parm[1:2] alpha1 <- c(exp(parm[3]),exp(parm[3])) n0 <- exp(parm[4])<-plogis(parm[5]) } if(sex.sig &{ alpha0<- parm[1:2] alpha1 <- exp(parm[3:4]) n0 <- exp(parm[5])<-plogis(parm[6]) } if(sex.sig & !{ alpha0<- c(parm[1],parm[1]) alpha1<- exp(parm[2:3]) n0 <- exp(parm[4])<-plogis(parm[5]) } if(!sex.sig & !{ alpha0<- c(parm[1],parm[1]) alpha1<- c(exp(parm[2]),exp(parm[2])) n0 <- exp(parm[3])<-plogis(parm[4]) } probcap1 <- plogis(alpha0[1]) * exp(-alpha1[1] * D * D) probcap2 <- plogis(alpha0[2]) * exp(-alpha1[2] * D * D) Pm1<-Pm2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(probcap1), ncol = ncol(probcap1)) ymat <- y ymat <- rbind(y, rep(0, ncol(y))) lik.marg1<-lik.marg2 <- rep(NA, nrow(ymat)) lik.marg<- lik.marg1 for (i in 1:nrow(ymat)) { Pm1[1:length(Pm1)] <- (dbinom(rep(ymat[i, ], nG), rep(K,nG), probcap1[1:length(Pm1)], log = TRUE)) lik.cond1 <- exp(colSums(Pm1)) lik.marg1[i] <- sum(lik.cond1 * (1/nG)) Pm2[1:length(Pm2)] <- (dbinom(rep(ymat[i, ], nG), rep(K,nG), probcap2[1:length(Pm2)], log = TRUE)) lik.cond2 <- exp(colSums(Pm2)) lik.marg2[i] <- sum(lik.cond2 * (1/nG)) if(sex[i]==1 & ![i])) lik.marg[i]<- lik.marg1[i]*( if(sex[i]==2 & ![i])) lik.marg[i]<- lik.marg2[i]* if([i])) lik.marg[i]<- lik.marg1[i]*( + lik.marg2[i]* } nv <- c(rep(1, length(lik.marg) - 1), n0) part1 <- lgamma(nrow(y) + n0 + 1) - lgamma(n0 + 1) part2 <- sum(nv * log(lik.marg)) -1 * (part1 + part2) }
The following set of R commands simulate a data set and fit the sex-structured model. The nature of the sex-specificity of model parameters is determined by the logical flags and sex.sig. If one or the other are TRUE then either or both the intercept or σ, respectively, are estimated as sex-specific parameters.
## Simulate a data set with no missing sex values and ## sex-specific intercepts but NOT sex-specific sigma ## Note "rnd" is the random number seed. data<-simSCR0sex(N=200,discard0=TRUE,alpha0=c(-2.5,-1.8), sigma=c(.75,.75), beta=0,theta=1, ## Harvest the elements of the data set y<-data$Y traplocs<-data$traplocs nind<-nrow(y) J<-nrow(traplocs) K<-data$K sex<-data$sex ## ## First we obtain the MLEs for a model with sex-specific intercept ## but not sex-specific sigma. frog1<-nlm(intlik2sex,c(-2.5, -2, 1.0, log(4),0), hessian=TRUE,y=y,X=traplocs, K=rep(K,J), sex=sex,delta=.3,ssbuffer=2,,sex.sig=FALSE) ## ## Next we obtain MLEs for a model with NO sex-specificity but we ## still estimate the probability of sex = 1 frog2<-nlm(intlik2sex,c(-2.5,1.5,log(4),0), hessian=TRUE,y=y, X=traplocs, K=rep(K,J), sex=sex,delta=.3,ssbuffer=2,,sex.sig=FALSE)