Nitin Sekar, Chia-Lo Lee, and Raman Sukumar. 2015. In the elephant's seed shadow: the prospects of domestic bovids as replacement dispersers of three tropical Asian trees. Ecology 96:2093–2105.
Appendix A: Feeding trials.
Ecological Archives E096-185-A1.
Appendix B: Seasonality and sex-based differences in movement data.
Ecological Archives E096-185-A2.
Appendix C: Seed displacement simulation.
Ecological Archives E096-185-A3.
Appendix D: GRT violin boxplots for (a) chalta (D. indica), (b) lator (A. chaplasha), and (c) kumbhi (C. arborea) and a plot of the raw movement data for elephants and bovids.
Ecological Archives E096-185-A4.
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