Susanne Wurst, Nina Kaiser, Susann Nitzsche, Josephine Haase, Harald Auge, Matthias C. Rillig, and Jeff R. Powell. 2015. Tree diversity modifies distance-dependent effects on seedling emergence but not plant–soil feedbacks of temperate trees. Ecology 96:1529–1539.


Appendix A: BLAST results for root fungal isolates and proportion of root fragments from which fungi were isolated.
Ecological Archives E096-136-A1.

Appendix B: Visual depictions of the plot layout in the field experiment, allocation of field inocula to treatments in the greenhouse experiment, and collection points around trees.
Ecological Archives E096-136-A2.

Appendix C: Boxplots showing responses associated with the timing of seedling emergence and extent of mycorrhizal colonization.
Ecological Archives E096-136-A3.

Appendix D: Description of the model selection procedure and model output for the full and minimum adequate models.
Ecological Archives E096-136-A4.
