Paul J. CaraDonna and David W. Inouye. 2015. Phenological responses to climate change do not exhibit phylogenetic signal in a subalpine plant community. Ecology 96:355–361.
Appendix A: Species list and flowering time data used in analyses.
Ecological Archives E096-037-A1.
Appendix B: Phenological shifts and phenological sensitivity to snowmelt date and summer temperature data used in analyses.
Ecological Archives E096-037-A2.
Appendix C: Strength and significance of phylogenetic signal in mean flowering time, 1974–2012.
Ecological Archives E096-037-A3.
Appendix D: Sensitivity test of phylogenetic signal results.
Ecological Archives E096-037-A4.
Supplement 1: Data files for the community phylogeny used in analyses.
Ecological Archives E096-037-S1.
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