Appendix A: Crop size and seed dispersal for 19 source tress of Virola calophylla that produced fruit in 2001 in the study plot.
Ecological Archives E087-191-A1.Appendix B: Flow diagram of the seed dispersal simulation model indicating the four main subroutines.
Ecological Archives E087-191-A2.Appendix C: Functional forms and parameters of dispersal kernels.
Ecological Archives E087-191-A3.Appendix D: Summary statistics for the seed-dispersal curves generated for each source tree in the simulation model.
Ecological Archives E087-191-A4.Appendix E: Summary of parameter estimates, negative log-likelihood score, and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) for dispersal kernels fit to the simulated seed-dispersal curve for each source tree.
Ecological Archives E087-191-A5.Appendix F: Summary of parameter estimates, negative log-likelihood score, and Akaike's Information Criterion (AIC) for the mixture distribution fit to the simulated seed-dispersal curve for each source tree.
Ecological Archives E087-191-A6.
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