William F. Morris and Daniel F. Doak. 2005. How general are the determinants of the stochastic population growth rate across nearby sites? Ecological Monographs 75:119–137.


Appendix A: A description of the methods used to estimate vital rates and compute bootstrap confidence intervals for sensitivities and elasticities.
Ecological Archives M075-004-A1.

Appendix B: A table showing stochastic sensitivities to the vital rate means in five populations.
Ecological Archives M075-004-A2.

Appendix C: A table showing stochastic elasticities to the vital rate means in five study populations.
Ecological Archives M075-004-A3.

Appendix D: A table showing stochastic sensitivities to the vital rate standard deviations in five study populations.
Ecological Archives M075-004-A4.

Appendix E: A table showing stochastic elasticities to the vital rate standard deviations in five study populations.
Ecological Archives M075-004-A5.

Appendix F: A table of absolute values of stochastic sensitivities and elasticities to the vital rate means and standard deviations summed over vital rate types in five study populations.
Ecological Archives M075-004-A6.


Supplement 1 : Vital rates and projection matrices.
Ecological Archives M075-004-S1.


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