Marin Bay, Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago - photo courtesy of F. Stephen Dobson




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Permission to Use Previously Published Material


If your article contains material (e.g. table, graph, diagram, illustration, photo, or section of text) that was previously published by someone else (or published by you in a publication that does not give authors the right to republish materials from their own articles without obtaining permission), you must obtain written permission from the copyright-holder to republish that material. This applies not only to material that you intend to reproduce in its original form, but also, for example, to modified artwork or graphs. The written permission must be forwarded to the Publications Office of the Ecological Society. The accompanying ESA form is provided for your convenience; other permission forms are acceptable. Please note that your manuscript will not be scheduled for an issue (nor will it be sent to the printer for typesetting) until permission has been obtained.

The publication(s) in which the copyrighted material(s) appear(s) should be listed in the Literature Cited section of the work. In each figure, illustration, table, or block of text that uses previously copyrighted material, a citation in one of the following forms should appear: "From Darwin (1859)" or "Modified from Darwin (1859)" or "Redrawn from Darwin(1859)."

To use the ESA form, please follow these steps:

Please note that permission MUST be unrestricted (see the form itself for an explanation). If permission is denied, then the material in question will have to be removed from the article.

rev 2/18/10


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