Marin Bay, Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago - photo courtesy of F. Stephen Dobson




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Ecology and Ecological Applications occasionally publish Forums.  A Forum can take a number of forms but always includes a series of commentaries solicited from a number of experts.  These commentaries represent personal responses to a paper (or papers) considered to be of very broad interest and significance within the field of applied ecology.  Possible variations include, but are not limited to:

  • An original (published for the first time) research, review, or discussion paper, followed by a number of commentaries,

  • A paper republished (with permission) from another journal, followed by commentaries,

  • An ESA report, followed by commentaries,

  • Several original papers on a common topic, followed by commentaries,

  • A Special or Invited Feature, followed by several commentaries.

The number of commentaries can depend on the nature of the Forum, but normally would not exceed six to eight.  The commentaries are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC).

An individual interested in proposing a Forum should contact the EIC by email or phone to discuss the idea.  If the EIC believes the idea should be pursued, a short proposal must be submitted for review by one or more member of the Board of Editors.


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