Marin Bay, Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago - photo courtesy of F. Stephen Dobson




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Editorial Board

Ecological Applications


David Schimel

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109-8099
Phone: 818 354-6803
Email: [email protected]


Assigning Editors

Jayne Belnap - USGS

Timothy E. Essington - University of Washington

Andrew O. Finley - Michigan State University

Erik J. Nelson - Bowdoin College

Emily H. Stanley - University of Wisconsin


Ecological Archives Editor

William K. Michener - University of New Mexico


Subject Matter Editors

Matthew P. Ayres Dartmouth College population dynamics of forest insects
Stephen B. Baines Stony Brook University ecosystem function and community structure
John B. Bradford USGS impact of global change on terrestrial ecosystems
Alison K. Brody University of Vermont ecological and evolutionary consequences of multiple species interactions - interactions among plants, pollinators, pre-dispersal seed predators, herbivores and nectar robbers
Dianne Brunton Massey University conservation
Emil Cienciala Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research, Ltd. forestry
Cory C. Cleveland University of Montana tropical ecology and biogeochemistry
William S. Currie University of Michigan linkages among carbon, nutrient, and water cycling and energy flows and transformations in terrestrial ecosystems and human-environment systems
Paul Dayton Scripps Institution of Oceanography coastal ecology, invertebrates, fisheries issues as they relate to coastal ecology, management; no modeling or statistics
Trenton W. J. Garner Zoological Society of London amphibian infectious diseases
Jacob Goheen University of Wyoming animal-plant interactions, community dynamics and structure, and conservation biology
Claudio Gratton University of Wisconsin landscape ecology in both agricultural and natural systems
Michael E. Hellberg Louisiana State University molecular evolution, population genetics, speciation, and biogeography of marine animals.
N. Thompson Hobbs Colorado State University ecological modeling; animal ecology; land-use and climate change
Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald Instituto Potosino de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnológica arid lands
Ruth A. Hufbauer Colorado State University evolutionary ecology, plant-insect interactions
Olaf Jensen Rutgers University marine and fisheries
Fred A. Johnson U.S Geological Survey decision science in natural resource management
Ryan S. King Baylor University aquatic ecosystems
David A. Lytle Oregon State University evolutionary ecology, disturbances such as floods, droughts, and dams, aquatic insects
Bruce G. Marcot USDA Forest Service wildlife population viability, assessment of biodiversity, and ecologically sustainable land-use planning
John M. Marzluff University of Washington corvids and conservation of endangered birds
A. David McGuire USGS, University of Alaska - Fairbanks biogeochemistry, earth system science, ecological modeling, land-cover change, fire ecology, role of animals in ecosystem processes.
Elizabeth Newell Hobart & William Smith Colleges plant ecology
Christer Nilsson Umeå University aquatic/riparian
Tim O'Brien Wildlife Conservation Society biostatistics
Julian D. Olden University of Washington ecology, conservation, and management of freshwater systems.
Sara Oyler-McCance USGS genetics, conservation
Yude Pan USDA Forest Service carbon and nitrogen in forests
Derric Pennington World Wildlife Fund-US/University of Minnesota human dimensions and ecosystem services; agricultural ecology
Éva E. Plaganyi CSIRO assessment modelling, ecosystem modelling and management strategy evaluation
Brice X. Semmens Scripps Institute of Oceanography quantitative ecology
Carolyn Hull Sieg USDA Forest Service fire, ponderosa pine, invasives
Theodore R. Simons USGS, North Carolina State University birds and amphibians
Robert L. Sinsabaugh University of New Mexico microbial ecology
John C. Stella SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry biodiversity, aquatic and hydroecology
Willem J.D. van Leeuwen University of Arizona remote sensing
Eric J. Ward NOAA quantitative ecology
Bradford P. Wilcox Texas A&M University ecohydrology and arid lands/rangeland studies
Kerrie A. Wilson University of Queensland conservation
Aaron J. Wirsing University of Washington predator ecology
Xiangming Xiao University of Oklahoma remote sensing and GIS, biogeochemistry of terrestrial ecosystems; climate change; infectious diseases.

rev 1/28/16


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