Marin Bay, Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago - photo courtesy of F. Stephen Dobson




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Transfer of copyright

Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecological Monographs


So that the Author(s) and ESA may be protected from the consequences of unauthorized use, author(s) must grant and assign to ESA rights to publish an accepted manuscript or data paper and any associated supplemental material (work) in all languages and in any other form, in the United States and in any other countries, and to assign others the right to do so. The Author(s) shall retain the right to quote from, reprint, translate and reproduce the work, in part or in full, in any book or article he/she may later write, or in any public presentation. The Author may post the work in a publicly accessible form on his/her personal or home institution's webpages. If the Author(s) reproduces a portion of the work in a book, article or other media, the legend or caption of any table or figure that represents data from the work, in original or modified form, shall cite the work as the source of those data. In addition, the Author(s) shall have the right to photocopy the work for his/her own use or public distribution. If the Author(s) reprints, translates or photocopies the work, the original copyright notice, as it appears in the journal, must be included. The Author retains all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights.

All authors must agree to transfer copyright (or equivalent rights) for their manuscript to ESA. By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright (or equivalent rights) for their article will be transferred to the ESA if and when the article is accepted for publication. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the authors must complete and submit to the ESA Headquarters Office the copyright release form. The official form will be prepared by the Publications Office and sent to the corresponding author, who will be expected to obtain the signatures of the other authors. If policies of a one or more author's home institution preclude transfer of copyright, then that author(s) must still provide a legally binding document that grants to ESA the right to publish the manuscript or data paper and any associated supplemental material (work) in all languages and in any other form, in the United States and in any other countries, and to assign others the right to do so.

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rev 2/18/10


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