Ecological Archives M085-015-A6

Chengjin Chu and Peter B. Adler. 2015. Large niche differences emerge at the recruitment stage to stabilize grassland coexistence. Ecological Monographs 85:373–392.

Appendix F. Observed vs. predicted genet growth.

The following figures show that our growth regressions do a reasonable job of capturing size-dependent patterns. Each figure shows the observed (top row) and predicted (bottom row) log genet size on the y-axis as a function of observed log genet size in the previous year on the x-axis. Solid lines show the 1:1 relationship (no change in size from one year to the next). The apparent lines of points at small size reflect our decision to assign an area of 0.25cm² to features mapped as points, resulting in a non-continuous size distribution among the smallest genets. See the section Summary of study sites and species selection in Materials and Methods for the abbreviations for species names.











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