Ana L. Llandres, Gonçalo M. Marques, James L. Maino, S. A. L. M. Kooijman, Michael R. Kearney, and Jérôme Casas. 2015. A dynamic energy budget for the whole life-cycle of holometabolous insects. Ecological Monographs 85:353–371.

Supplement 2

MATLAB codes for the DEB model for holometabolous insects. Script 2.
Ecological Archives M085-014-S2.


File list (downloads)


Ana L. Llandres
Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte
Université François Rabelais UMR CNRS 635
Avenue Monge-Parc Grandmont
Tours, 37200
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

predict_Venturia_canescens.m (MD5: c9084a5d7c3e837851f3fc64cd626db8)


The Matlab file predict_Venturia_canescens.m contains the code to estimate the DEB parameters from the data included in mydata_Venturia_canescens.m file (supplement 1). It uses the Dynamic Energy Budget theory to get predictions on the growth trajectories of the larval and pupal stage of the endoparasitoid Venturia canescens, the number of eggs laid by the imago through time, and several lifespan events such as the different developmental times of the parasitoid.