Joshuah S. Perkin, Keith B. Gido, Arthur R. Cooper, Thomas F. Turner, Megan J. Osborne, Eric R. Johnson, and Kevin B. Mayes. 2015. Fragmentation and dewatering transform Great Plains stream fish communities. Ecological Monographs 85:73–92.
Appendix A: A map illustrating location of 39 stream fragments and 448 fish community samples included in analysis of fish community structure across the Great Plains.
Ecological Archives M085-004-A1.
Appendix B: A table showing species included in review of 448 fish collections from the Great Plains as well as reproductive guild and body size classifications.
Ecological Archives M085-004-A2.
Appendix C: A table showing details and rankings of candidate generalized linear models included in the information theoretic approach used to predict probability of occurrence for fish reproductive guilds in the Great Plains.
Ecological Archives M085-004-A3.
Supplement 1: Raw community data for 448 fish collections made among 39 stream fragments in the Great Plains.
Ecological Archives M085-004-S1.
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