Ecological Archives H001-003-A2

Wu Yang, Thomas Dietz, Daniel Boyd Kramer, Zhiyun Ouyang, and Jianguo Liu. 2015. An integrated approach to understanding the linkages between ecosystem services and human well-being. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 1:19.

Appendix B (Table B1). Descriptive statistics of variables used in the model.


Mean (SD)

HWBI in 2009

0.558 (0.153)

HWBI in 2007

0.638 (0.118)

IDES in 2007

0.634 (0.295)

Change of IDES

– 0.303 (0.423)

Agricultural income share in 2007

0.419 (0.283)

Household income in 2007 (thousand yuan)

28.651 (304.954)

Household income in 2009 (thousand yuan)

68.105 (104.715)

Change of household income per capita (thousand yuan)

11.160 (35.306)

Household size in 2007

3.317 (1.319)

Number of seniors in 2007 (age >= 60 years)

0.653 (0.805)

Average education of adults in 2007 (year)

5.052 (2.760)

Average education of non-student adults in 2007 (year)

5.121 (2.873)

Female adult share in 2007

0.469 (0.165)

Earthquake damage (0: low, 1: high)

0.624 (0.487)

Social ties to local leaders (0: weak, 1: strong)

0.109 (0.313)

Gender of interviewee (0: female, 1: male)

0.584 (0.495)

Age of interviewee (year)

53.604 (11.333)

Education of interviewee (year)

4.495 (3.651)

Notes: Change of IDES and change of household income per capita are calculated as the corresponding values in 2009 subtracting the corresponding values in 2007, respectively. A household with strong social ties to local leaders is defined as a household with at least one household member or one immediate relative (e.g., parents, children, and blood brothers) as local leaders; otherwise it is defined as one with weak social ties to local leaders. Since social tie evolves slowly, here we treated it as time-invariant. The number of observations is 101.

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