Yaozhan Xu, Jiaxin Zhang, Scott B. Franklin, Jubyi Liang, Peng Ding, Yiqi Luo, Zhijun Lu, Dachuan Bao, and Mingxi Jiang. 2015. Improving allometry models to estimate the above- and belowground biomass of subtropical forest, China. Ecosphere 6:289. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es15-00198.1


Data files used to develop allometry models in the main text.
Ecological Archives C006-120-S1.


File list (downloads)


Yaozhan Xu
1. Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430074, China;
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China;
E-mail: [email protected]

Jiaxin Zhang
1. Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430074, China;
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, China;
E-mail: [email protected]

Scott B Franklin
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO 80639, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]

Junyi Liang
Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Peng Ding
Department of Statistics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]

Yiqi Luo
Department of Microbiology and Plant Biology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73019, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Zhijun Lu
Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430074, China;
E-mail: [email protected]

Dachuan Bao
Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430074, China;
E-mail: [email protected]

*Corresponding author:
Mingxi Jiang
Key Laboratory of Aquatic Botany and Watershed Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, 430074, China;
Moshan, Hongshan District, Wuhan 430074, Hubei, P.R. China
Fax: 86-27- 87510251
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

data.csv (MD5: 7c7fdea693fcf4010735192c2588db9b)


The data.csv file is a csv file, it contains the raw data of diameter at breast height, tree height, wood specific gravity, crown radius, above-ground biomass and below-ground biomass.

Column definitions

1 DBH: diameter at breast height

2 H: tree height

3 WSG:wood specific gravity

4 CR:crown radius

5 AGB: above-ground biomass

6 BGB: below-ground biomass