William E. Smith and Thomas J. Kwak. 2015. Tropical insular fish assemblages are resilient to flood disturbance. Ecosphere 6:279. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es15-00224.1
OpenBUGS code for Bayesian removal model.
Ecological Archives C006-114-S1.
File list (downloads)
William Smith
North Carolina Department of Natural Resources
Division of Marine Fisheries
3441 Arendell Street
Morehead City, North Carolina, 28557 USA
Email: [email protected]
File list
removal_model_code.odc (MD5: b775efcc0e833f2a6b5be0483e9c8dcf)
The OpenBUGs code, Removal model code.odc, estimates fish densities based on stream reach size and catches during three consecutive removal passes of the same stream reach.
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