Elizabeth L. Middleton, Sarah Richardson, Liz Koziol, Corey E.Palmer, Zhanna Yermakov, Jeremiah A. Henning, Peggy A. Schultz, and James D. Bever. 2015. Locally adapted arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi improve vigor and resistance to herbivory of native prairie plant species. Ecosphere 6:276. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es15-00152.1


Description of the data files used to analyze nurse plant survival and growth, test plant survival and growth, response of Ratibida pinnata to herbivory, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization and composition.
Ecological Archives C006-111-S1.


File list (downloads)


Elizabeth L. Middleton
Missouri Department of Conservation
2010 South Second Street
Clinton, MO 64735 USA
[email protected]

Sarah Richardson
Department of Biological Sciences
DePaul University
1 E. Jackson Street
Chicago, IL 60614 USA

Liz Koziol
Department of Biology
Indiana University
1001 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405 USA

Corey E. Palmer
Plant Biology and Conservation Program at Northwestern University
Chicago Botanic Garden
1000 Lake Cook Road
Glencoe, IL 60022 USA

Zhanna Yermakov
Chicago Parks District
541 N. Fairbanks
Chicago, IL 60611 USA

Jeremiah A. Henning
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN 37996 USA

Peggy A. Schultz
Department of Biology
Indiana University
1001 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405 USA

James D. Bever
Department of Biology
Indiana University
1001 E. Third Street
Bloomington, IN 47405 USA
[email protected]

File list

Nurse_plant_growth_and_survival_2010_to_2012_data.csv (MD5: 2e847e7eaec86f301382d6f66f06e681)

Nurse_plant_growth_and_survival_2010_to_2012_column_description.csv (MD5: 5c8fa110b82d13d379e2dea8db57eaa4)

Test_plant_survival_and_growth_data.csv (MD5: e4533227b91105ca9195dbbeecf3f38b)

Test_plant_survival_and_growth_column_descriptions.csv (MD5: 46ccf66e56c6fc1cc4418e5c88d8ea48)

Ratibida_herbivory_data.csv (MD5: 16a729377316260b2ae36c0f6c103388)

Ratibida_herbivory_column_descriptions.csv (MD5: 5c8fa110b82d13d379e2dea8db57eaa4)

Field_colonization_data.csv (MD5: 328831a1489a08e5a3184049f59ac72d)

Field_colonization_data_column_descriptions.csv (MD5: 9d0ed08cba4bffeb30bc844faba081ea)

Field_spore_composition_data.csv (MD5: 6e001664334adf14c9c2943424be6796)

Field_spore_composition_data_column_descriptions.csv (MD5: 177608a01dc713174e62427001f48bd3)


The supplements provide access to the data used in the analyses reported in this paper. There were five separate analyses performed. Nurse plant survival and growth was analyzed without Ratibida pinnata, even though R. pinnata was a nurse plant. Because R. pinnata received heavy herbivory, it was analyzed separately. Sporobolus heterolepis, the test plant, was evaluated independent of nurse plant growth data. Finally, AMF colonization and AMF spore composition from field derived soils were analyzed separately, as well. Files that are labeled “xxxx data.csv” are the data files. These files have a “.” when a cell is blank. Files that are labeled “xxxx column description.csv” describe the column headings for the similarly named data file and report the checksum values for each column.