K. M. Proffitt, J. F. Goldberg, M. Hebblewhite, R. Russell, B. S. Jimenez, H. S. Robinson, K. Pilgrim, and M. K. Schwartz. 2015. Integrating resource selection into spatial capture-recapture models for large carnivores. Ecosphere 6:239. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es15-00001.1


R script and data for spatial capture–recapture models that incorporate harvest and an existing resource selection function value as a covariate on density of activity centers.
Ecological Archives C006-084-S1.


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Kelly Proffitt
1400 South 19th Street
Bozeman, MT 59718
E-mail: [email protected]

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R_code_and_data.txt (MD5: 843f5c4baf70b9f5abe94344fd8c10bb)


The code and data for spatial capture–recapture models that incorporate harvest and an existing resource selection function value as a covariate on density of activity centers. Models are implemented using the SCR package available from https://github.com/jaroyle/SCRbayes as described in Royle et al. (2013). Users must load the SCR functions (SCR.i.fn) as described in these additional resources. Once loaded, we provide sample code for running 1 model including dead recoveries, the RSF and our sample data below.