Christian O. Marks and Charles D. Canham. 2015. A quantitative framework for demographic trends in size-structured populations: analysis of threats to floodplain forest. Ecosphere 6:232.
R scripts and data files for implementing the demographic analyses described in the main text of the article
Ecological Archives C006-080-S1.
File list (downloads)
Christian O. Marks
The Nature Conservancy
136 West Street, Suite 5
Northampton, Massachusetts
01060 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Charles D. Canham
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Box AB
Millbrook, New York
12545 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
File list
R code:
Density.r (MD5: f71c1a46140489f578396c94f68fe207)
Figure_8.r (MD5: 699b7bc5cbf555b7c083558a4bf7bfee)
Figure_9.r (MD5: c4a5563938c98b82b92495eb67bf32ea)
Growth.r (MD5: 267de400f01ff4e12943fbf41116fbec)
Species_demography.r (MD5: 8d8009f3e1d9a4c917e33c03cda8a429)
Species_trends.r (MD5: 2fb71dca4c5e0fcb891cda993a835039)
Survival.r (MD5: c2090386464c71d1bb5e1e85f50b5f43)
Data files:
BeavMortCoef.csv (MD5: 7978eaecf8967b8c58f78d58f90cb84d)
CT_River.csv (MD5: 09a3c66bf4dca32315e9b7d40aee7e83)
DensCoef.csv (MD5: c187547fcbad357bdfbc76797011c150)
EnvCoeffGrowth.csv (MD5: 4f7e2c875b3a3470057bd02f0dfb4a16)
EnvCoeffMort.csv (MD5: b1503351dcaaab1aef7a284bc1831f7c)
equilibrium.Rda (MD5: 5be113378d6286355e3daa91075911d5)
GrowthCoef.csv (MD5: 3808520fe98e40856380fde8a6301451)
MortCoef.csv (MD5: 4208690ff668d7712afd7f0b394a1bbc)
selfthinning.Rda (MD5: a8aff690c28c4913113dc52f38f78169)
Spplist.csv (MD5: 085ac7db4f98f7cb9f31629d132a1914)
tblSpecies.csv (MD5: 30b86d1a00d4e03dbfc03a02f9a3380c)
R code:
Data files:
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