Ken A. Aho and R. Terry Bowyer. 2015. Confidence intervals for a product of proportions: application to importance values. Ecosphere 6:230.
R script and documentation for calculating confidence intervals for the products of proportions.
Ecological Archives C006-078-S1.
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Ken Aho
Department of Biological Sciences
Idaho State University
Pocatello Idaho 83209-8007
E-mail: [email protected]
R. Terry Bowyer
Department of Biological Sciences
Idaho State University
Pocatello Idaho 83209-8007
E-mail: [email protected]
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ci.impt (MD5: 42b5e2508b9d0cce85683a9830baa94f)
Provides one and two-tailed confidence intervals for the true product of two proportions. Comment lines specify function usage and arguments. The function code itself may be called from R as an external function, or it may be placed in-line within the R console.
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