M. Alex Smith. 2015. Ants, elevation, phylogenetic diversity and community structure. Ecosphere 6:221. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es14-00473.1
Raw species and genus level incidence matrices, alpha diversity estimates and elevation and beta diversity estimates with WorldClim abiotic variables.
Ecological Archives C006-072-S1.
File list (downloads)
M. Alex Smith
University of Guelph
Department of Integrative Biology
50 Stone Road East
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
E-mail: [email protected]
File list
morpho_pa.csv (MD5: 8b115668503eb5aa066e3937e8a241ff)
genus_pa.csv (MD5: 0bb32638ff9c64fea79c3ffea7ce3abf)
Alpha_Data.csv (MD5: 9ffb7b482d3e3672f2c6e941849eff35)
Beta_Data.csv (MD5: 70b49e0b30e256f74fec765a15f6a896)
The morpho_pa file contains the reported incidence matrices synthesized here. The data file is organized by reference (column 1), species (column 2) and species incidences by elevation (Columns 3–24).
The genus_pa file contains the genus abundance matrices created here based on the species level data reported by the authors in their original publication. Values represent the number of species present at particular elevations. The data file is organized by reference (column 1), species (column 2) and species incidences by elevation (Columns 3–24).
The Alpha_Data file contains the morphological and phylogenetic calculations of alpha diversity. The coarse geographic location of the study, the reference and the elevation (Column 1–3). Taxonomic richness species or genus are in Column 4 and 5). Phylogenetic diversity (6 and 7). Two measures of phylogenetic community structure (NRI and NTI) calculated using the independent swap algorithm (Column 8 and 9). Phylocom outputs of both NRI and NTI using the four null models used to estimate phylogenetic community structure are presented in sequence. Column 9–28: (Gotelli and Entsminger’s independent swap algorithm); Column 29–47 (Species in each sample become random draws from phylogeny pool); Column 48-66 (Species in each sample become random draws from sample pool); Column 67–85 (This null model shuffles species labels across the entire phylogeny)
The Beta_Data file contains the source information for each study (Columns 1 and 2), the pairwise elevational distance between sites (Column 3), the phylobetadiversity between sites (Column 4 and 5), the Jaccard Classic (Column 6), the average absolute latitude of the study location (Column 7), the maximum elevation of the study site (Column 8) and the WorldClim data of temperature and precipitation (BIO1 – BIO19) (Column 9–27).
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