Andrea Bertolo, Marco A. Rodríguez, and Gérard Lacroix. 2015. Control mechanisms of photosynthetic epibionts on zooplankton: an experimental approach. Ecosphere 6:219.


R and Jags scripts for conducting the analysis described in the main text together with the original database.
Ecological Archives C006-071-S1.


File list (downloads)


Marco A. Rodríguez
Research Centre for Watershed - Aquatic Ecosystem Interactions and Departement des sciences de l’environnement
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
C.P. 500, Trois-Rivières, Québec G9A 5H7, Canada
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

R_code.txt (MD5: 69237da6c6a972892964400959324d75)

JAGS_model.txt (MD5: d08fd5b3b18348a5f154e6b5d5647aad)

variables.pdf (MD5: 420c3ca5b1ff6b9b1e1caf60da2a9d5b)

database.csv (MD5: 42e0693cff653021f84fde1037857e5c)


The R code included in R_code.txt allow to perform ordinal regression for Ceriodaphnia epibiont burden (example corresponding to top panel in Table 2 of the manuscript).

The Jags code included in JAGS_model.txt allows to perform a JAGS model for ordinal regression.

The file variables.pdf contains detailed information about the variables in the database database.csv.