Ecological Archives C006-069-A1
J. D. DeVoe, R. A. Garrott, J. J. Rotella, S. R. Challender, P. J. White, M. O'Reilly, and C. J. Butler. 2015. Summer range occupancy modeling of non-native mountain goats in the greater Yellowstone area. Ecosphere 6:217.
Appendix A. Model validation figures.
Fig. A1. Relationships between predicted occupancy probabilities (ψ; horizontal axis) and (a) frequency of occurrence for sampling units known to be occupied, (b) frequency of occurrence for available sampling units, and (c) proportion of sampling units occupied to available for viewsheds surveyed in two study areas of the northern greater Yellowstone, USA. The dashed vertical lines indicate the selected occupancy probability cutoff values for classifying suitable mountain goat summer habitat into very low (<0.0058), low (0.00580.023), medium (0.0230.0458), and high (≥0.0458).
Fig. A2. Predicted summer habitat suitabilities of mountain goats overlaid by validation data of mountain goat locations collected by management agency personnel for example areas in the northern greater Yellowstone area, USA, including (A) a portion of the North Absaroka study area and (B) the Clark’s Fork of the Yellowstone River. Note different map scales.