Daniel R. Uden, Craig R. Allen, Andrew A. Bishop, Roger Grosse, Christopher F. Jorgensen, Theodore G. LaGrange, Randy G. Stutheit, and Mark P. Vrtiska. 2015. Predictions of future ephemeral springtime waterbird stopover habitat availability under global change. Ecosphere 6:215. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es15-00256.1
R scripts for developing, validating, and making predictions with the wetland inundation and ponded area models described in the main text of the manuscript.
Ecological Archives C006-068-S1.
File list (downloads)
Daniel R. Uden
Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
School of Natural Resources
3310 Holdrege Street
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68503
Email: [email protected]
Craig R. Allen
Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
School of Natural Resources
3310 Holdrege Street
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68503
Email: [email protected]
Andy A. Bishop
Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
2550 North Diers Avenue, Suite L
Grand Island, NE 68803
Email: [email protected]
Roger Grosse
Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
2550 North Diers Avenue, Suite L
Grand Island, NE 68803
Email: [email protected]
Christopher F. Jorgensen
Rainwater Basin Joint Venture
2550 North Diers Avenue, Suite L
Grand Island, NE 68803
Email: [email protected]
Randy G. Stutheit
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
2200 North 33rd Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
Email: [email protected]
Theodore G. LaGrange
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
2200 North 33rd Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
Email: [email protected]
Mark P. Vrtiska
Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
2200 North 33rd Street
Lincoln, NE 68503
Email: [email protected]
File list
ALL FILES AT ONCE: SupplementalScripts.zip (MD5: 8cebdd10b19e6c3a89f391c949d4a715)
InundationTotal.R (MD5: 7e3b30f751b522b975e53f51d63f90ae)
InundationTotalModestChangeScenario.R (MD5: 3be264ac72d532d58cee0128802176bb)
InundationTotalExtremeChangeScenario.R (MD5: 097552c91f7d74c57380e45d41fe2b61)
InundationRowcrops.R (MD5: 8202ef71aecdcf3c9153a310f26d74eb)
InundationRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R (MD5:e8bf35659ecea50be0becb5119f63e30 )
InundationRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R (MD5: adab53a8d22ab013055f56239dddaadd)
InundationNonRowcrops.R (MD5: d08189beaa734648bf22af25b9e47e94)
InundationNonRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R (MD5: 7476ec3f6334954e3369d172675952f4)
InundationNonRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R (MD5: b85cf11ff0e3b451a9b0e414bfc19654)
PondedAreaTotal.R (MD5: e153c4a0b8817b11f0f5b9d0944c9a1d)
PondedAreaTotalModestChangeScenario.R (MD5: 65ef966b788a5dc7bc831d19a29ae5a9)
PondedAreaTotalExtremeChangeScenario.R (MD5: decb2c0a11973f416528a761737aebf9)
PondedAreaRowcrops.R (MD5: 76f832537d89838d57cd660c0d1826a7)
PondedAreaRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R (MD5: 18a4b0dc566614223b025a637b2ce74b)
PondedAreaRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R (MD5: 6aec0cfb7c5066d612ca06c73acad73c)
PondedAreaNonRowcrops.R (MD5: 4e3397364390888358cee1f8ca26e4df)
PondedAreaNonRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R (MD5: f1f78ec5933599ca6e89f5e4a768f2ce)
PondedAreaNonRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R (MD5: 7d64e95ef2bbb7e082283acddf5e912a)
The R code contained in the files InundationTotal.R, InundationRowcrops.R, InundationNonRowcrops.R was used to develop and validate generalized linear mixed models of total, rowcrop-embedded, and non-rowcrop-embedded wetland inundation (i.e., presence/absence of water) in the years 2004 and 2006–2009. These final three models were then used in tandem with the following files to make predictions concerning wetland inundation in the year 2050 under two scenarios of plausible climatic change: InundationTotalModestChangeScenario.R, InundationTotalExtemeChangeScenario.R, InundationRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R, InundationRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R, InundationNonRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R, and InundationNonRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R.
The R code contained in the files PondedAreaTotal.R, PondedAreaRowcrops.R, PondedAreaNonRowcrops.R was used to develop and validate linear mixed models of total, rowcrop-embedded, and non-rowcrop-embedded wetland ponded area (i.e., extent of water) in wetlands that were inundated in the years 2004 and 2006–2009. These final three models were then used in tandem with the following files to make predictions concerning wetland ponded area in the year 2050 under two scenarios of plausible climatic change: PondedAreaTotalModestChangeScenario.R, PondedAreaTotalExtemeChangeScenario.R, PondedAreaRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R, PondedAreaRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R, PondedAreaNonRowcropsModestChangeScenario.R, and PondedAreaNonRowcropsExtremeChangeScenario.R. In order to generate intermediary .csv files necessary for carrying out the analyses, the scripts should be run in the order they occur in the file list above.
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