Ecological Archives C006-063-A1
Sonja Wipf, Martin Sommerkorn, Marc I. Stutter, E. R. Jasper Wubs, and René van der Wal. 2015. Snow cover, freeze-thaw, and the retention of nutrients in an oceanic mountain ecosystem. Ecosphere 6:207.
Appendix A. Tables showing geographical details and characterization of a soil profile at the Glas Maol study site, means and standard errors of mean (SE) of carbon and nutrient fluxes in a leaching experiment with soil cores collected near (a) and away from (b) a snow fence and exposed to five different freezing-thawing treatments (Fig. 3), and a figure showing fluxes and concentrations of DOC and nutrients in soil water in a monolith transplant experiment between locations with either deep and persistent, or shallow and intermittent snow conditions near (deep snow; D) or away (shallow snow; S) from a snow fence.