Matthew J. Reilly and Thomas A. Spies. 2015. Regional variation in stand structure and development in forests of Oregon, Washington, and inland Northern California. Ecosphere 6:192.
Appendix A: Figures showing geographic distributions of low, moderate, and high biomass structural classes and types in Oregon, Washington, and inland Northern California.
Ecological Archives C006-052-A1.
Appendix B: Tables showing live tree diameter size class distributions, snag diameter size class distributions, diameter class distribution of biomass of dead and downed wood >12 cm at the large end and >3 m long, and breakdown of the percentage of total understory cover by shrubs, forbs, and graminoids by forest structural class and type in Oregon, Washington, and inland Northern California.
Ecological Archives C006-052-A2.
Appendix C: Figures showing mean age of dominant and co-dominant trees by vegetation zone for low, moderate, and high biomass structural classes in the Pacific Northwest.
Ecological Archives C006-052-A3.
Appendix D: A table showing classification of structural types into developmental stages by vegetation zone based on structural attributes and elements including live biomass, canopy cover, maximum tree size, number of big, large, and giant trees, biomass of snags and dead and downed wood, age, and disturbance history.
Ecological Archives C006-052-A4.
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