Ecological Archives C006-047-A6
I. Rieger, I. Kowarik, and A. CierJacks. 2015. Drivers of carbon sequestration by biomass compartment of riparian forests. Ecosphere 6:185.
Appendix F. Model documentation of carbon sequestration in fine roots including the Danube River water level between mean and 10-yearly river water level during the current growing season (MWHWS10GS).
Formula: Carbon sequestration in fine roots ~ DIFDIST + DISTUP + MWHWS10GS + (1 | Site/Year)
AIC = 712.0; BIC = 727.3; logLik = -350.0; deviance = 700.0; df.resid = 88
Scaled residuals: Min = -1.49882; 1Q = -0.20378; Median = 0.01902; 3Q = 0.12988; Max = 0.42660
Table F1. Random effects.
Groups |
Name |
Variance |
Std. Dev. |
year:site |
(Intercept) |
0.81726 |
0.9040 |
site |
(Intercept) |
0.01063 |
0.1031 |
Notes: Number of observations: 94, groups: year:site, 94; site, 49.
Table F2. Fixed effects.
Environmental drivers |
Estimate |
Std. Error |
z value |
Pr(>|z|) |
(Intercept) |
2.0442670 |
0.6254333 |
3.269 |
0.001081** |
-1.2535888 |
0.4542325 |
-2.760 |
0.005784** |
0.0000833 |
0.0000244 |
3.413 |
0.000641*** |
0.0132814 |
0.0024036 |
5.526 |
3.28e-08*** |