I. Rieger, I. Kowarik, and A. CierJacks. 2015. Drivers of carbon sequestration by biomass compartment of riparian forests. Ecosphere 6:185. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es14-00330.1
Appendix A: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in litterfall without climate and flooding parameters.
Ecological Archives C006-047-A1.
Appendix B: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in litterfall including climate and flooding parameters.
Ecological Archives C006-047-A2.
Appendix C: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in fine roots without climate and flooding parameters.
Ecological Archives C006-047-A3.
Appendix D: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in fine roots with the mean annual temperature included.
Ecological Archives C006-047-A4.
Appendix E: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in fine roots including the Danube River water level between low and mean river water level during the current growing season (RNWMWGS).
Ecological Archives C006-047-A5.
Appendix F: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in fine roots including the Danube River water level between mean and 10-yearly river water level during the current growing season (MWHWS10GS).
Ecological Archives C006-047-A6.
Appendix G: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in fine roots including the Danube River water level >10-yearly river water level during the previous growing season (X.HWSGS.1).
Ecological Archives C006-047-A7.
Appendix H: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in aboveground woody biomass without climate and flooding parameters.
Ecological Archives C006-047-A8.
Appendix I: Model documentation of carbon sequestration in aboveground woody biomass including climate and flooding parameters.
Ecological Archives C006-047-A9.
Appendix J: Model documentation of total carbon sequestration in riparian forest Formula: Overall carbon sequestration ~ Distance to upstream boundary of the study area (DISTUP) + (1 | Site/Year).
Ecological Archives C006-047-A10.
Appendix K: Means and standard errors (SE) of selected climate, stream flow, hydrological, spatial, and forest stand parameters used for modeling C sequestration in litterfall, fine root, and aboveground biomass (with RNW = Water level duration exceeding ca. 343 days/year; MW = Averaged water level; HSW = Water level duration exceeding ca. 3.6 days/year; approximately bankful discharge).
Ecological Archives C006-047-A11.
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