####### Make a plot of the best MR designs for static naive vs informed models of Tun Mustapha Park Fishery model # #Supplementary file for: # Christopher J. Brown, Crow White, Maria Beger, Hedley S. Grantham, Benjamin S. Halpern, Carissa J. Klein, Peter J. Mumby, Vivitskaia J.D. Tulloch, Mary Ruckelshaus and Hugh P. Possingham. Fisheries and biodiversity benefits of using static versus dynamic models for designing marine reserve networks. Ecosphere # #CJ Brown 11 Jan 2014 setwd('mydir/Mod_TMP/results') dat =read.csv('results_base.csv', header = T) nvals = 10 biovals = seq(5, 95, length.out = nvals) profvals.stat = 99 + -1*biovals profvals.dyn = profvals.stat + 1*biovals - (0.01*biovals^2) #addvals = seq(0,40, length.out = nvals/2) #profvals.dyn = profvals.stat + c(addvals, rev(addvals)) #plot parameters alims = c(0,100) cexpts = 2 statcol = 'grey70' #colour for short-term informed dyncol = 'black' #actual colour for naive cexlab = 1.9 axwd = 3 lnwd=3 cexax = 1.5 cexleg=1.4 flabx = -2 flaby = 108 flabcex = 1.8 #arrows iarvals = 5 arvals2 = 67 arrlen = 0.15 arrwd = 4 arcol = 'grey20' ##### Figure dev.new(width = 11, height = 10) par(mar = c(5,6,4,2), xpd=T, las = 1, mfrow = c(2,2)) ##### TMP figure ### Parameters datn =dat[1:nrow(dat),]*100 #new database ylims = c(0, round(max(datn[,5:6]),-1)) xlims = c(0, round(max(datn[,1]),-1)) xtmpticks = seq(xlims[1], xlims[2], by = 10) xtmplabs = xtmpticks ytmpticks = seq(ylims[1], ylims[2], by = 20) ytmplabs = ytmpticks ##Figure A plot(datn$constarg, datn$naivesave_bhigh_long, xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, pch = 18, cex = cexpts, col = dyncol, xaxt='n', yaxt ='n', bty ='n', xlab = 'Habitat reservation target (%)', ylab ='Fishery profits (%)', cex.lab = cexlab, xaxs='i', yaxs='i') axis(side = 1, labels = xtmplabs, at = xtmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax, pos = 0) axis(side = 2, labels = ytmplabs, at = ytmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax) lines(datn$constarg, datn$naivesave_bhigh_long, col = dyncol, lwd = lnwd) points(datn$constarg, datn$statsave_bhigh_long, pch = 17, cex = cexpts, col = statcol) lines(datn$constarg, datn$statsave_bhigh_long, col = statcol, lwd = lnwd) arrows(datn$constarg, datn$statsave_bhigh_long, datn$constarg, datn$naivesave_bhigh_lon, length = 0, lwd = 1.3, col = 'grey50') text(flabx, flaby, 'A: Malaysia long-term', cex = flabcex, pos = 4) legend(x=32, y = 105, legend = c('Naive', 'Realistic'), lty = 1, col = c(dyncol, statcol), pch = c(18,17), bty ='n', cex= cexleg, lwd = lnwd) ## Reserve size arrow text(15,55,'Greater area in reserves', cex = cexlab, srt = 325, pos = 4, col = arcol) arrows(15, 47, 39, 25, length = arrlen, lwd = arrwd, col = arcol, lty =1) ##Figure B plot(datn$constarg, datn$naivesave_bhigh_short, xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, pch = 18, cex = cexpts, col = dyncol, xaxt='n', yaxt ='n', bty ='n', xlab = 'Habitat reservation target (%)', ylab ='Fishery profits (%)', cex.lab = cexlab, xaxs='i', yaxs='i') axis(side = 1, labels = xtmplabs, at = xtmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax, pos = 0) axis(side = 2, labels = ytmplabs, at = ytmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax) lines(datn$constarg, datn$naivesave_bhigh_short, col = dyncol, lwd = lnwd) points(datn$constarg, datn$statsave_bhigh_short, pch = 17, cex = cexpts, col = statcol) lines(datn$constarg, datn$statsave_bhigh_short, col = statcol, lwd = lnwd) arrows(datn$constarg, datn$statsave_bhigh_short, datn$constarg, datn$naivesave_bhigh_short, length = 0, lwd = 1.3, col = 'grey50') text(flabx, flaby, 'B: Malaysia short-term', cex = flabcex, pos = 4) ############################################################### ################# SCB MODEL ############# ############################################################### ##### Figure ##### SCB figure setwd('/Users/uqcbrow9/Documents/CT project/static dynamic comparison/Jmodels/SCB results') scbdat = read.csv('table_save_equil_v7.csv', header=F) scbdat[,2:7] = scbdat[,2:7]*100 # alpha, 1 # naive static profit then biomass, 2 3 # informed static profit then biomass, 4 5 # dynamic profit then biomass 6 7 ### Parameters datn =dat[1:10,]*100 #new database ylims = c(0, 100) xlims = c(50, 100) xtmpticks = seq(xlims[1], xlims[2], by = 10) xtmplabs = xtmpticks ytmpticks = seq(ylims[1], ylims[2], by = 20) ytmplabs = ytmpticks ##Figure plot(scbdat[,3], scbdat[,2], xlim = xlims, ylim = alims, pch = 18, cex = cexpts, col = dyncol, xaxt='n', yaxt ='n', bty ='n', xlab = 'Biomass (%)', ylab ='Fishery profits (%)', cex.lab = cexlab, xaxs='i', yaxs='i') # text(5,-38,'Biomass (%)', cex = cexlab, pos= 4) axis(side = 1, labels = xtmplabs, at = xtmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax, pos = 0) axis(side = 2, labels = ytmplabs, at = ytmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax) ## Add connecting lines arrows(scbdat[,3], scbdat[,2], scbdat[,5], scbdat[,4], length = 0, lwd = 1.3, col = 'grey50') points(scbdat[,5], scbdat[,4], pch = 17, cex = cexpts, col = statcol) lines(scbdat[,3], scbdat[,2], col = dyncol, lwd = lnwd) lines(scbdat[,5], scbdat[,4], col = statcol, lwd = lnwd) text(40, flaby, 'C: California long-term', cex = flabcex, pos = 4) ######### NPV results scbdat = read.csv('table_save_npv_v7.1.csv', header=F) scbdat[,2:7] = scbdat[,2:7]*100 # alpha, 1 # naive static profit then biomass, 2 3 # informed static profit then biomass, 4 5 # dynamic profit then biomass 6 7 ### Parameters datn =dat[1:10,]*100 #new database ylims = c(0, 100) xlims = c(50, 100) xtmpticks = c(seq(xlims[1], xlims[2], by = 10), 100) xtmplabs = xtmpticks ytmpticks = seq(ylims[1], ylims[2], by = 20) ytmplabs = ytmpticks ##Figure plot(scbdat[,3], scbdat[,2], xlim = xlims, ylim = alims, pch = 18, cex = cexpts, col = dyncol, xaxt='n', yaxt ='n', bty ='n', xlab = 'Biomass (%)', ylab ='Fishery profits (%)', cex.lab = cexlab, xaxs='i', yaxs='i') # text(5,-38,'Biomass (%)', cex = cexlab, pos= 4) axis(side = 1, labels = xtmplabs, at = xtmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax, pos = 0) axis(side = 2, labels = ytmplabs, at = ytmpticks, lwd= axwd, cex.axis = cexax) ## Add connecting lines arrows(scbdat[,3], scbdat[,2], scbdat[,5], scbdat[,4], length = 0, lwd = 1.3, col = 'grey50') points(scbdat[,5], scbdat[,4], pch = 17, cex = cexpts, col = statcol) lines(scbdat[,3], scbdat[,2], col = dyncol, lwd = lnwd) lines(scbdat[,5], scbdat[,4], col = statcol, lwd = lnwd) # legend(x=80, y = 105, legend = c('Naive', 'Informed'), lty = 1, col = c(dyncol, statcol), pch = c(18,17), bty ='n', cex= cexleg, lwd = lnwd) text(40, flaby, 'D: California short-term', cex = flabcex, pos = 4)