############################################################################################# ##Script to modelize the population dynamic of Tibetan antelope considering an anthropogenic ##Allee effect ############################################################################################# ## ##Population dynamics modelizes with a fixed growth rate (0.08) and a variable hunting effort (40- ##80). ## ##List of variable #Ninit : Initial population size #K : Carrying capacity #r : Growth rate #Einit : Hunting effort #Q : Catchability coefficient #Ccinit : Cost per unit catch #Ce : Cost per unit effort #Nr : Threshold rarity of Tibetan antelope #Pinit : Price per unit catch #p1 : Price #w : Constant #b : Constant #alphainit : Measure of how rapidly poachers respond to changes in profit #atc : Number of antelopes captures #temps : Time E_estim <- seq(40,80,1) #generate 37 values between 40 and 76 dynpop_NAAE<-matrix(nrow=101,ncol=41,dimnames=list(1:101,1:41)) for (j in 1:41){ calcule.par<-function(nbmax=101, Ninit=1000000, K=1000000, r=0.08, Einit=E_estim[j], Q=0.002, Ccinit=213, Ce=426000, Nr=100000, Pinit=818.86161, p1=250, w=568.862, b=1.2, alphainit=2.449e-11, atc=385, temps=7){ N=numeric(nbmax) E=numeric(nbmax) Cost_catch=numeric(nbmax) P=numeric(nbmax) alpha=numeric(nbmax) Year=numeric(nbmax) N[1]=Ninit E[1]=Einit Cost_catch[1]=Ccinit P[1]=Pinit alpha[1]=alphainit Year=1950:2050 for(i in 2:nbmax){ # Inclusion of Poacher pressure N[i]<-N[i-1]+(r*N[i-1]*(1-N[i-1]/K))-Q*E[i-1]*N[i-1] E[i]<-E[i-1]+alpha[i-1]*(P[i-1]*Q*E[i-1]*N[i-1]-Ce*E[i-1]) #Cost component Cost_catch[i]<- Ce/(N[i]*Q) #Price component P[i]<-p1 + (w*(K/N[i])^b) #Hunting response component alpha[i]<-E[i]/(atc*temps*(P[i]*N[i]-Cost_catch[i]*N[i])) } return(list(N=N, E=E ,Cost_catch=Cost_catch, P=P, alpha=alpha, Year=Year)) } dynpop <- calcule.par() dynpop_NAAE[,j]<- dynpop$N } library("matrixStats") mean_dynpop_NAAE<-rowMeans(dynpop_NAAE) sd_dynpop_NAAE<-rowSds(dynpop_NAAE) Year<-1950:2050 dynpop_final<-cbind(Year,mean_dynpop_NAAE,sd_dynpop_NAAE)