Tammy L. Wilson and Joshua H. Schmidt. 2015. Scale dependence in occupancy models: implications for estimating bear den distribution and abundance. Ecosphere 6:168. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es15-00250.1


Raw data used for conducting occupancy analyses described in the main text.
Ecological Archives C006-034-S1.


File list (downloads)


Tammy L. Wilson
Southwest Alaska Network
National Park Service
240 W. 5th Ave.
Anchorage, Alaska 99501, USA
E-mail: [email protected]

Joshua H. Schmidt
Central Alaska Network
National Park Service
4175 Geist Rd.
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709, USA

File list

WilsonES15-00250_Data1X.csv (MD5: 4260aa42bde61b71cf63be033ad3b3ca)

WilsonES15-00250_Data2X.csv (MD5: 089f465ab6a3e0adb8f4a8874b5e2fd9)

WilsonES15-00250_DataHX.csv (MD5: 8cffdfcf96e690cfe878ab4079197845)

WilsonES15-00250_DataQX.csv (MD5: e7adfb3c14eac758493cee316d8fdedc)


The data files contain the raw data used for conducting occupancy analyses described in the main text. The grid scale is denoted in the file name. Missing values are denoted by the code -999, which was converted to NA for analysis. The fields are defined as follows.

Unit: Sample unit number

V1: Detection/Non-detection data for the first visit. 1 = detection, 0 = non-detection.

V2: Detection/Non-detection data for the second visit. 1 = detection, 0 = non-detection.

V3: Detection/Non-detection data for the third visit. 1 = detection, 0 = non-detection.

Date1: Julien day of the first visit.

Date2: Julien day of the second visit.

Date3: Julien day of the third visit.

Elev: Mean unit elevation (meters).

Northness: Mean unit cosine-transformed aspect (unitless). North = 1, South = -1, East and West = 0.

Slope: Mean unit slope (degrees)