Ecological Archives C006-033-A2

Virginia L. Winder, Kaylan M. Carrlson, Andrew J. Gregory, Christian A. Hagen, David A. Haukos, Dylan C. Kesler, Lena C. Larsson, Ty W. Matthews, Lance B. McNew, Michael A. Patten, Jim C. Pitman, Larkin A. Powell, Jennifer A. Smith, Tom Thompson, Donald H. Wolfe, and Brett K. Sandercock. 2015. Factors affecting female space use in ten populations of prairie chickens. Ecosphere 6:166.

Appendix B. Population level β coefficients from resource utilization function models relating space use by female prairie chickens to distance to road.


Fig. B1. Mean standardized resource utilization function β coefficients describing the magnitude and direction of the relationship between space use by female prairie chickens and distance to road. Negative coefficients for distance to road indicate selection for habitats close to roads within the female breeding home range. β coefficients for distance to road are plotted against site specific road density, and the dashed line represents the linear relationship.

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