H. Wayland, R. Manderino, T. O. Crist, and K. J. Haynes. 2015. Microbial pesticide application during defoliator outbreaks may reduce loss of regional forest beetle richness. Ecosphere 6:93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es14-00252.1
R script for carrying out the permutation procedure described in the main text.
Ecological Archives C006-020-S1.
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Thomas O. Crist
Miami University
Institute for Environment and Sustainability
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Email: [email protected]
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BetaFStat.r (md5: 1b9d503b3f162ea2b6f522ba989aaa4b)
The R code provided in BetaFStat.R performs hypothesis tests on differences in alpha and beta components of species richness and Shannon diversity among habitat types using sample-based randomization.
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