Joseph A. Kendrick, Relena R. Ribbons, Aimée T. Classen, and Aaron M. Ellison. 2015. Changes in canopy structure and ant assemblages affect soil ecosystem variables as a foundation species declines. Ecosphere 6:77.
R code, extended statistical output, and additional graphics.
Ecological Archives C006-019-S1.
File list (downloads)
Joseph A. Kendrick
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Brown University
Providence, Rhode Island 02912
E-mail: [email protected]
Aaron M. Ellison
Harvard Forest
Harvard University
324 North Main Street
Petersham, Massachusetts 01366
E-mail: [email protected]
File list
Ants_and_Ecosystem_Functions.html (MD5: 4c3a02abbc6344156498e959dab14044)
Commented and executed R code, statistical output, and additional and diagnostic graphics for all analyses in this publication. HTML file was generated within RStudio using the knitr function.
The original R code and all raw data files called for these analyses also are available from the Harvard Forest Data Archive (, dataset HF160-07.
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