Nicole E. Heller, Jason Kreitler, David D. Ackerly, Stuart B. Weiss, Amanda Recinos, Ryan Branciforte, Lorraine E. Flint, Alan L. Flint, and Elisabeth Micheli. 2015. Targeting climate diversity in conservation planning to build resilience to climate change. Ecosphere 6:65.


R script for calculating climate stability and departure using convex hulls as was used in main manuscript for comparing the resilience of conservation networks to climate change. Script based on the Qhull program implemented in the R geometry package.
Ecological Archives C006-015-S1.


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Jason Kreitler
United States Geological Survey, Boise, ID, 83702
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

R script for calculating climate stability:    ClimateStability.r (MD5: 47588dbeb7967456168c39efd6d3883c)


This code uses a convex hull to approximate climate space for a geographical area. In the main text, the code is used to compare networks of protected areas. The code requires raster data describing climate space based on n variables (3 in the example: DFJTmin, JJATmax, CWD) for historic (hst) and future, and a raster of unique cell IDs for planning units within the study area. In the main text this method was used to calculate climate stability for regional networks as a whole (e.g., iNetLU, vNetLU, iNetReg, vNetReg), and also for the networks within individual landscape units. The output is a .csv table with 5 columns: "planning" the ID for the planning unit, "hullv_hst" the historic/present/current hull volume by planning unit, "hullv_fut" the future value according to a GCM scenario, "hulllv_both" the hull created by the union of future and current climate data, and "climstab" the proportion of future climate space that overlaps current climate space (stability if positive), or a unitless measure of departure (negative values).

Any use of this code should reference main manuscript, Heller et al. 2015. Targeting climate diversity in conservation planning to build resilience to climate change. Ecosphere.

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