Melissa H. DeSiervo, Erik S. Jules, and Hugh D. Safford . 2015. Disturbance response across a productivity gradient: postfire vegetation in serpentine and nonserpentine forests. Ecosphere 6:60.


Complete raw data set used for the community composition meta-analysis.
Ecological Archives C006-014-S1.


File list (downloads)


Melissa DeSiervo
Humboldt State University
Biology deparment
1 Harpst St.
Arcata, CA, 95521.
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

data.csv (MD5: 2c4ca6b034a419bb8f2d3f5f2ba29c82)


The data.csv file is a comma separated file. This file contains the complete raw data set used for the community composition meta-analysis. The supporting data includes all plants found in the study area in Plumas Co, CA. Names follow the convention in the latest edition of the Jepson Manual. ** denotes nonnative species.

Fire strategies are defined as the following: 
R = resprouter 
S = obligate seeder 
FS = facultative seeder (grouped with resprouters for analysis)
I = invader
A = avoider 
Species with no fire regeneration strategy were omitted from analysis. 
Freq = the frequency of plots where this plant was observed
Cover = average percent cover in a 16m circular plot 

N = The number of plots.