B. P. Pauli, P. A. Zollner, G. S. Halton, G. Hsao, and G. Hsao. 2015. The simulated effects of timber harvest on suitable habitat for Indiana and northern long-eared bats. Ecosphere 6:58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es14-00336.1


Consolidated LANDIS simulation output.
Ecological Archives C006-013-S1.


File list (downloads)


Benjamin P. Pauli
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue University
195 Marsteller St.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
Email: [email protected]

Patrick A. Zollner
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue University
195 Marsteller St.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

G. Scott Haulton
Division of Forestry
Indiana Department of Natural Resources
402 West Washington St.
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

Gang Shao
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue University
195 Marsteller St.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

Guofan Shao
Department of Forestry and Natural Resources
Purdue University
195 Marsteller St.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907

File list

out_areas_ha.txt (MD5: f779181d10cffeaea00c9ec292617462)

uncert_areas_ha.txt (MD5: 95085cd805323d1d58a902be8e520901)


out_areas_ha.txt – This file contains data on the amount of suitable area (in hectares) for each LANDIS simulation. Each row constitutes the output from a single simulation.

scenario: harvest scenario (1-9)

order: the harvest order (1-3)

init: the initial forest conditions (1-3)

year: the simulated year (1-50 in increments of 5)

myso_noct: the hecatres of suitable habitat for Indiana bats during the night

myso_diur: the hecatres of suitable habitat for Indiana bats during the day

myso_integ: the hecatres of suitable habitat for Indiana bats during the day and night

myse_noct: the hecatres of suitable habitat for northern long-eared bats during the night

myse_diur: the hecatres of suitable habitat for northern long-eared bats during the day

myse_integ: the hecatres of suitable habitat for northern long-eared bats during the day and night

Checksum values:

out_areas_ha.txt: 892 rows (with headers), 10 columns

Column 6 (myso_diur): 38236869
Column 10 (myse_integ): 42608524


uncert_areas_ha.txt – This file contains data following the initial uncertainty analysis of model results. Uncertainty analyses are only presented for a single simulation (scenario 5, harvest order 3, initial conditions 3).Values represent when uncertainty is derived from normal (normal) or uniform (uniform) distributions. Simulations without uncertainty (mean) are the results of all simulations under scenario 5 (not just order 3 and initial conditions 3).All results only pertain to simulated year 50.

scenario: harvest scenario (1-9)

order: the harvest order (1-3)

init: the initial forest conditions (1-3)

year: the simulated year (1-50 in increments of 5)

type: the source of distribution of uncertainty for (normal, uniform or mean [no uncertainty])

myso_noct: the hecatres of suitable habitat for Indiana bats during the night

myso_diur: the hecatres of suitable habitat for Indiana bats during the day

myso_integ: the hecatres of suitable habitat for Indiana bats during the day and night

myse_noct: the hecatres of suitable habitat for northern long-eared bats during the night

myse_diur: the hecatres of suitable habitat for northern long-eared bats during the day

myse_integ: the hecatres of suitable habitat for northern long-eared bats during the day and night

Checksum values:

uncert_areas_ha.txt: 20 rows (with headers), 11 columns

Column 6 (myso_noct): 975128
Column 10 (myse_diur): 1002880