David G. Jenkins. 2015. Estimating ecological production from biomass. Ecosphere 6:49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/es14-00409.1


Production and biomass data compiled from the literature.
Ecological Archives C006-012-S1.


File list (downloads)


David G. Jenkins
Dept. of Biology
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Fl, USA 32816-2368
E-mail: [email protected]

File list

populations.csv (MD5: fa2c0597d805469ca642465722914e13)

assemblages.csv (MD5: 10d4b0e6fd3a89b7c0ae1491eac44ecc)

ecosystems_and_biomes.csv (MD5: 818eb15ef8c64c0193a7ef9a26e72b56)


  1. populations.csv includes the following columns for data sets assigned to the population hierarchical level: entry number, category (e.g., terrestrial plants), data source, species identifier, details from the source, P (g/m²/y), B (g/m²). Blank rows separate analyzed categories.
  2. assemblages.csv includes different data columns per analyzed set. For example, grasslands data from Scurlock et al. (2003) inclue two measures of P and two measures of B, whereas other data sets include one of each. See headings at the top of each data set, where blank rows separate analyzed data sets. Otherwise, information provided is similar to that in populations.csv
  3. ecosystems_and_biomes.csv includes the following columns for ecosystems and biome data sets: entry number, system dewscriptor (e.g., polar barren), P (g/m²/y), B (g/m²). Sources are listed as subheadings for each data set, and blank rows separate analyzed data sets.