Sam Nicol, Trevor B. Haynes, Rod Fensham, and Adam Kerezsy. 2015. Quantifying the impact of Gambusia holbrooki on the extinction risk of the critically endangered red-finned blue-eye. Ecosphere 6:41.
Data files used to generate occupancy models in the main text.
Ecological Archives C006-009-S1.
File list (downloads)
Sam Nicol
CSIRO Land and Water, Ecosciences Precinct
Dutton Park, QLD 4012, Australia
E-mail: [email protected], Ph. +61(7)3833-5751
Trevor B. Haynes
School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK USA 99775-7220
Rod Fensham
Queensland Government Department of Environment and Heritage Protection
Mount Coot-tha QLD 4066, Australia
School of Biological Sciences
The University of Queensland
Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia
Adam Kerezsy
Australian Rivers Institute
Griffith University
QLD, 4111, Australia
Dr Fish Contracting
Clontarf, QLD, 4019, Australia
File list
Appendix1_data_covariates.csv (MD5: c858dce6372990cf1033a5ff8201d006)
Appendix1_data_occupancy.csv (MD5: 684e75646bdbb00309b12cfa5d2d2c4c)
"Appendix1_data_covariates.csv" contains the values of the covariates used in the occupancy modeling.
"Appendix1_data_occupancy.csv" contains the occupancy data for the two fish species in each of the springs. Values of 0 represent instances where the species was not recorded during the survey and values of 1 represent presence of the species during the survey. Missing data are denoted with the symbol "-".
Occupancy data 2009–2013 was collected by Adam Kerezsy. Data is published in this manuscript by permission. While we're usually happy to share data, please contact the authors if you'd like to use our data so that we can provide the appropriate citation.
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