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Appendix A: Seven tables and three figures that present additional analysis and graphs supporting the results and conclusions.
Ecological Archives E096-274-A1.
Appendix B: Description of Burnham and Anderson’s approach for multimodel inference.
Ecological Archives E096-274-A2.
Supplement 1: Information about experimental plots.
Ecological Archives E096-274-S1.
Supplement 2: Text file of 20082012 data that can be seamlessly appended to 19972007 data that can be found in Ecological Archives E090-039.
Ecological Archives E096-274-S2.
Supplement 3: R script and data to run analyses presented in Tables A2 and A3 and to create Fig. A1.
Ecological Archives E096-274-S3.
Supplement 4: R script and data file to run cusp analysis presented in Tables A4 and A5.
Ecological Archives E096-274-S4.
Supplement 5: R script and data files to run correlations and Mantel tests as shown in Table A7 and Fig. A2.
Ecological Archives E096-274-S5.
Supplement 6: R script and data file for analysis of the effects of scraping, which is presented in Table A8.
Ecological Archives E096-274-S6.
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