Kurt E. Anderson, Brian D. Inouye, and Nora Underwood. 2015. Can inducible resistance in plants cause herbivore aggregations? Spatial patterns in an inducible plant/herbivore model. Ecology 96:2758–2770. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/14-1697.1


MATLAB simulation code for the OBE model.
Ecological Archives E096-241-S1.


File list (downloads)


Kurt E. Anderson
Department of Biology
900 University Ave.
University of California
Riverside, CA 92521
Email: [email protected]

File list

phode_obe.m (MD5: 07325e3df93297cc4d12ee3705bf576b)

phfn_obe.m (MD5: 4cf8576c1ea77401f747467c4c05a013)


phode_obe.m – This is the “main” file that is run at the Matlab prompt. Parameter values and numerical integration options are specified here. This file calls the “phfn_obe.m” file.

phfn_obe.m – This file specifies the model structure and is called by “phode_obe.m”. The OBEM and LBEM models can be run using minor, straightforward alterations of code provided.